Sponsor with EnviroClass
EnviroClass offers two free, live webinars each month, and we anticipate 300 will register per webinar. The EnviroClass board selects the topics & speakers with no more than two speakers per webinar. The speakers that are chosen will be a balance between vendors and environmental agencies such as state regulators or individuals within the EPA. These webinars also offer 2.0 PDHs for EnviroClass members. We are limiting the number of sponsors to no more than 20 total in order to adequately showcase each company & presenter.
Sponsorship Includes:
Receive all 6,000 registration contact info
20 webinar registrations in 2025 (avg. 2 each month)
1/4 page ad in every program
your company logo on our website
your company logo on all marketing emails
your company would be the exclusive sponsor of 1 EnviroClass where we feature your products and services

"We sponsored EnviroClass in the past and were very pleased with the quality of attendees that this online training attracts. The participants asked relevant questions and were engaged throughout the entirety of the presentation. Not only was there active participation during the webinars, but we had numerous follow-ups and leads upon completion of the event."
– Krista O’Neal
If you'd like to be aĀ sponsor, pleaseĀ email Travis Bowman atĀ [email protected].Ā